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Virtins Pocket Signal Generator

Signal generator and arbitrary waveform generation oscillosocpe offline.


"Signal generator and arbitrary waveform generation oscillosocpe offline."
A powerful Pocket PC based Signal Generator Virtins Pocket is a virtual instrument. Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope.
1 consists of. Dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep / Arbitrary / Function Generator) output wave form provides the following types: (1) Sine (2) Square (3) Triangle (4) Saw Tooth (5) White Noise (6) Pink Noise (7) at Multi-tones (8) Arbitrary via user-configurable waveform library at either a fixed frequency or frequency range and the frequency of standby time sweeps linearly or logarithmically within.

2. Off-line dual-channel oscilloscope views of four types: Channel A and Channel B Channel A (2) Wave form display of Channel A + Channel B (3) Wave form display - Channel B (1) provides waveform display Channel A and Channel B off For on-line Oscilloscope (4) Lissajous Pattern display signal generated by the signal generator can be used to display. Also recorded by other sound recording software can be used to view the WAV files. For more information, visit www.virtins.com.


Bandwidth: 20 Hz - 48 kHz (depending on Sound Device)

Output level: about 1 VAC (depending on Sound Device)

Selectable sampling frequency (up to 96 kHz), sampling bit resolution (8 or 16 bit) and sampling channels (one or two) (all depending on Sound Device)

Support waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle and Saw Tooth predefined. These are a certain fixed frequency ranging between 1 Hz to 48 kHz can be manufactured.

Support pink noise and white noise generation.

Support multi-ton production. Multi-tones with different amplitude and frequency wave is a combination of pre-defined. Pink noise and white noise with the amplitude can be inserted into the multi-tones. Up to 32 tones in each channel can be combined. User with

Support arbitrary waveform generation defined waveform library. Waveform of the waveform library a TXT file containing the coordinates of each point. Now you can download free 1.0 Generator Virtins Pocket Signal.

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